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by Jess, June 13, 2024


UR Conference with Barb Gillmore and Jessica. Barb met me at the door. She explained that she probably will not be able to keep Jessica until adoption placement is made. She said she talked to Donna and Donna is going to Wisconsin for the month of august so placement will have to be sometime after that. Jessica says wants to live in NY but doesn’t want a mother. We were going over goals, Jessica was somewhat corporative until we talked about therapy. Jessica said she and Lisa C. didn’t talk. Jessica doesn’t want to go to therapy. We finally settled on Jessica will try to talk to Lisa about the issues. Jessica was rather obnoxious to Barb. Something about Jessica teaching the dog to jump over chair barricade and getting into the Livingroom, Then Jessica telling me she tired of spending all her time in her room. It ended by Barbara giving her ten-day notice for Jessica to be moved.

