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by Jess, June 13, 2024


(Sunday) Donna Page called me at home. She said her rental car broke down. The rental company said it couldn’t be repaired here. Donna tried to rent another car. Unable to. Donna is taking the 2:30pm bus back to NYC. Jessica is at the Allens. Jessica brought Jamie with her on the outing with Donna, I said this didnt give Donna and Jessic much privacy. Donna said they did have privacy at lunch yesterday. Both had time to talk. Jessica does not want to go any further with adoption. Donna said she is dissapointed. She was looking forward to making a life with Jessica. She said at this point she couldnt go any further. I said I thought part of Jessicas decision was the honeymoon period with the Allens place she has a nice stereo in her own room. (Jessica practically lives for rock music) I said things are bound to change after the honeymoon is over. Donna said at this point she is emotionally exhausted and does not want to do anything further on the adoption. She will keep meeting with Helene and Jack from family focus and then is going to Wisconsin to visit her family for a month. Donna said she will call me when she gets back to NYC.

