10 ways to turn a bad day into a good one!

We all have those days when nothing goes right. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed, your alarm clock doesn’t go off, and then you get stuck in traffic. You’re not alone.
PTSD, CPTSD Trauma Survivors in the workplace

I have something to say and I sincerely hope you will listen. It is time to break the stigma against people who have suffered trauma and live with wounds still bleeding and scars not yet fully healed. Invisible wounds that no one can see unless they watch very closely.
PTSD, CPTSD Trauma Survivors and Social Media

Once upon a time a beautiful baby was born to a very troubled woman. This baby was special. She was born with a full head of dark hair and eyes that seemed to be older than time itself.
Having A Bad Day, So This.

This tightening in my chest,
This knot in my stomach,
These unshed tears in my eyes,
This past I cannot escape.
A Big Trigger Breakthrough

It is interesting that now, when I have a breakthrough or epiphany or even a breakdown, my first impulse is to do a live video to talk about it, so that I can share my journey, but also so I can feel less alone, less isolated and so that I can show others that it is okay to be yourself, and, if yourself happens to be like myself, messy as fuck, then you rock that shit. It is okay to show emotion, rage, scream, cry, punch a pillow, sleep, or shut down for a bit, all of these are normal ways to show your emotions, and people like us are suffering, often in silence. I am not. I am right here. Plain view. Showing much of what I am dealing with. It is okay, whatever way you deal with your trauma, you are valid. Alright, self-affirmations aside let’s dig into this trigger.
Come With Me

I wrote this as a way to express what I was feeling at the time. This is a work of fiction. I am sort of obsessed with my biological mother’s suicide, but to be clear this is not how it happened, this is simply a story to express myself. – Jess (Phoenix) As I stood, […]
Childhood Conditioning and Stockholm Syndrome

Recently I had a conversation via Facebook with one of my new friends that I have made through this project. Truly I had no idea how creating this Facebook Page, then my blog would affect my life. I have been “meeting” some amazing people and it is a wonderful way to connect and share and […]
A Letter To My Sperm Donor

NOTE: (5/17/24) I was given a DNA test several years ago and through that was found by my paternal biological sister. I now know who the sperm donor is, Anthony Chris Russon from upstate NY. Glens Falls area. He had a restaurant or something. Anyway, long story short (long version will be in the book.) […]
Bleeding Out Through Writing…

This is going to just be like most of my Facebook live videos, a rambling post that I am just going to let flow. There is no purpose to this other than to express myself. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. Read, don’t read, I just need to write.
I feel like I shit. I wrote about that a while ago, I am not okay. And it is okay not to be okay but it feels like shit and as the chemicals in my brain change due to the medications I am taking to help me deal with the symptoms of the C-PTSD or Developmental Trauma Disorder, I am struggling.
Today, I Am not Okay

Yesterday, I was not okay.
As far back as I can remember, I have never been okay.
I have been many things.