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How to argue healthy way

How to Argue in a Healthy Way and Turn Debates into Discussions

Relationships are often tested when it comes to having arguments. It can be easy to fight and argue but it is hard to have healthy debates. Arguments often end up in a shouting match, with both sides being so invested in their own opinion that they completely shut down the thoughts and ideas of the other. In order to have a healthy relationship, you need to learn how to turn arguments into discussions. Disagreeing is okay, as long as you learn to do it in a constructive and healthy way. In this blog post, we’ll give you a few tips on how to argue in a healthy way.

Begin with Mutual Respect

You cannot have a healthy argument if there is no mutual respect. Start by acknowledging that each person has his or her own unique experiences, values, and points of view. You don’t necessarily have to agree with them but you respect and acknowledge them. Starting off a conversation respectfully opens up positive dialogue and prevents the conversation from heading down the wrong path.

Listen to Each Other

Listening is a critical skill in any conversation, especially in an argument. When we argue, we often only listen to the points that support our beliefs, and we ignore any opposing perspectives. We need to learn to listen to each other without interrupting, while actively trying to understand the viewpoint being presented. It’s important to be patient and ask clarifying questions during the conversation to ensure that both parties understand the other’s viewpoint.

Stay Focused on the Issue

The objective of any argument is to find a common ground for both parties. It’s important to stay focused on the issue being discussed instead of bringing in external factors that may distract the conversation. Personal attacks and bringing in irrelevant points will only derail the conversation and get it off track.

Practice Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share someone else’s feelings. It’s important to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and see the situation from their perspective. It can be hard to do, but once you try it, you’ll realize how effective it can be in resolving conflicts. Empathy enables both parties to gain a better understanding of each other’s opinions and concerns.


In every argument or discussion, compromise is necessary. Not every problem can be solved with one person’s ideas or desires. To end up with a win-win outcome, both parties need to give and take. When you and your partner are willing to work together, it can help you come up with a solution that benefits everyone involved.

In conclusion, arguing is normal and healthy, as long as it is done the right way. These tips we’ve given you can improve your communication and help you look at disagreements as opportunities to grow and learn from each other. When you have different points of view, it’s important to find ways to express them effectively in order to avoid unhealthy conflict. With practice, you can learn how to turn any argument into a discussion and have healthier relationships. Remember, the goal of an argument is not to win, but rather to find common ground and move forward together.

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