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Changing the Conversation Around Childhood Trauma and Abuse Survivors
Survivors of childhood trauma and abuse often face dismissive and victim-blaming attitudes. Phrases like “stop focusing on the past,” “get over it,” and “you’re just making yourself the victim” are not only hurtful but also harmful. They undermine the survivor’s experience and further perpetuate their pain. These responses are especially damaging as they shift the blame onto the survivor and dismiss the severity of their trauma.

Educating Kids on Empathy and Mental Health is a Shared Responsibility
One glaring issue in today’s society is how we treat those who struggle with mental health. For too long, people with mental health challenges have been marginalized, mocked, and misunderstood. Historically, societal norms have dictated that anyone who does not conform is to be viewed with suspicion and distrust. Human beings are hardwired this way, but that doesn’t mean we can’t change. Empathy can be taught and learned, and schools are the perfect setting for this essential education.

Breaking the Silence
What Trauma Survivors Really Need from Society Living with trauma and its aftermath is a battle fought every day. For survivors of trauma and abuse,