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Tag archive for : childhood abuse

Understanding Victim Shaming: A Guide for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse

As a survivor of childhood abuse, it can be hard to come to terms with the trauma that you’ve experienced. It can be even harder when those around you don’t understand the complexity of what you’ve been through. Victim shaming is an all too common occurrence that adult survivors of childhood abuse can experience, leading to feelings of shame, guilt, and even self-blame. In this blog post, we will explore victim shaming and how it affects survivors of childhood abuse. We’ll also provide you with a guide to understand and manage victim shaming that can help you on the road to recovery.

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Harley Quinn: Stockholm Syndrome and Mental Illness

Stockholm Syndrome refers to a perplexing psychological condition wherein a captive develops feelings of affection or empathy towards their captor. Although controversial within the mental health field due to ethical concerns, it is crucial to shed light on the majority-agreed symptoms.

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Maintaining Autonomy During Trauma Survival

Maintaining autonomy while healing from trauma can be an important aspect for survivors. It is important for survivors to have control over their own healing process and journey. This can be done by setting boundaries and establishing a sense of agency. Survivors can set boundaries with their therapists, friends, and family members in order to maintain a sense of control over their healing journey. Additionally, utilizing self-care techniques and practicing mindfulness can help survivors feel more in control of their own healing. It is also important for survivors to have a support system that respects their autonomy and allows them to make decisions about their own healing. By maintaining autonomy, survivors can reclaim their power, build resilience, and take steps towards healing from their trauma at their own pace.

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PTSD, CPTSD Trauma Survivors in the workplace

I have something to say and I sincerely hope you will listen. It is time to break the stigma against people who have suffered trauma and live with wounds still bleeding and scars not yet fully healed. Invisible wounds that no one can see unless they watch very closely.

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Freedom by Jessica H. Page

Hey Guys, so I am not sure when I wrote it but came across it a while ago. As you can imagine, it is a travel into a world where my biological mother did not die. I thought I would share it; it is just short, and it speaks to me, which is good seeing as I wrote it, just wish I could remember when. Anyway, Enjoy. -Jess

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