• Acknowledge, Accept, Educate, Accomidate •

Phoenix Page, Live Journey

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Changing the Conversation Around Childhood Trauma and Abuse Survivors

Survivors of childhood trauma and abuse often face dismissive and victim-blaming attitudes. Phrases like “stop focusing on the past,” “get over it,” and “you’re just making yourself the victim” are not only hurtful but also harmful. They undermine the survivor’s experience and further perpetuate their pain. These responses are especially damaging as they shift the blame onto the survivor and dismiss the severity of their trauma.

Breaking the Silence

What Trauma Survivors Really Need from Society Living with trauma and its aftermath is a battle fought every day. For survivors of trauma and abuse, the road to recovery is often long and filled with challenges that many cannot see or understand. This blog post aims to shed light on what trauma survivors truly need […]

The System is Rigged Against People on Disability

One of the most glaring issues is the inability to save money without facing repercussions from SSI. The program enforces strict asset limits, penalizing those who attempt to save even modest amounts. If you have more than $2,000 in resources, you risk losing your benefits. This cap makes it extraordinarily difficult to plan for the future, whether it’s for emergencies, education, or even something as simple as a small vacation.

Unmasking the “Stop Playing the Victim” Gaslighting Tactic

The phrase “stop playing the victim” is often wielded as a tool of gaslighting against survivors of trauma. Those who use it frequently have little understanding of how trauma works and harbor misguided notions about the healing process. It’s a pernicious statement that invalidates the survivor’s experience and perpetuates a cycle of abuse and violence, often under the guise of ‘tough love’ or misguided authority.

Unveiling the Darkness Within Nightmares and Night Terrors in Trauma Survivors

Turning the lights off at night is a seemingly simple daily act for many. It signals the eventual soothing descent into darkness and slumber. However, for survivors of trauma and abuse, the night can become a battleground—one where the mind, a powerful repository of anguish, resurrects horrors in the form of nightmares and night terrors.

Such nocturnal episodes, shrouded in mystery, are often dismissed as mere byproducts of a tired mind or an overactive imagination. Yet, these phenomena harbor secrets that demand our attention, especially within the context of trauma. Nightmares and night terrors are not only harbingers of hidden trauma, they are messengers beckoning us to confront the shadows of the past. Let’s unravel the enigma of these disturbing nocturnal experiences and propose a deeper, more compassionate understanding of their role in the healing process of trauma survivors.

How to Break the Stigma Against Illness and Disabilities Due to Past Trauma

Oftentimes, when someone suffers from an illness or disability, we tend to associate it with weakness or think that it might be their fault. This can be especially true when individuals have past trauma that has contributed to their current condition. However, it’s important to recognize that this way of thinking is both harmful and untrue. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into how we can work to break the stigma against illness and disabilities due to past trauma.

Understanding Victim Shaming: A Guide for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse

As a survivor of childhood abuse, it can be hard to come to terms with the trauma that you’ve experienced. It can be even harder when those around you don’t understand the complexity of what you’ve been through. Victim shaming is an all too common occurrence that adult survivors of childhood abuse can experience, leading to feelings of shame, guilt, and even self-blame. In this blog post, we will explore victim shaming and how it affects survivors of childhood abuse. We’ll also provide you with a guide to understand and manage victim shaming that can help you on the road to recovery.

Maintaining Autonomy During Trauma Survival

Maintaining autonomy while healing from trauma can be an important aspect for survivors. It is important for survivors to have control over their own healing process and journey. This can be done by setting boundaries and establishing a sense of agency. Survivors can set boundaries with their therapists, friends, and family members in order to maintain a sense of control over their healing journey. Additionally, utilizing self-care techniques and practicing mindfulness can help survivors feel more in control of their own healing. It is also important for survivors to have a support system that respects their autonomy and allows them to make decisions about their own healing. By maintaining autonomy, survivors can reclaim their power, build resilience, and take steps towards healing from their trauma at their own pace.

How to Argue in a Healthy Way and Turn Debates into Discussions

Relationships are often tested when it comes to having arguments. It can be easy to fight and argue but it is hard to have healthy debates. Arguments often end up in a shouting match, with both sides being so invested in their own opinion that they completely shut down the thoughts and ideas of the other. To have a healthy relationship, you need to learn how to turn arguments into discussions. Disagreeing is okay, as long as you learn to do it constructively and healthily. In this blog post, we’ll give you a few tips on how to argue healthily.